Midjourney AI image design

 Midjourney AI image design

If you are looking for a free AI photo site, then we offer you the Midjourney app, which is used to professionally edit photos. Where you can use it to create professional images for your ad by converting the text into an image.

This app is used by Discord; All you have to do is download Discord first and then start using Midjourney. The images are created by writing a description of the image in your imagination to find the image in your imagination embodied in a very wonderful image and completely identical to what was in your imagination.

How to use Midjourney to create images

Go to the official Midjourney website .
You will find the page divided into four sections; 

The first section, Community Showcase, displays images created by users of the program. 

The second section, Getting Started, gives you an idea of ​​how to use the program. The third section, Sign In, means registering directly if you have used it before. 

The fourth section is Join the Beta, which means registering an account if you are using the program for the first time.

If this is the first time, click on Join the Beta and enter the required data correctly, then confirm approval of the program policy. After confirming that you are not a robot, then confirm the message via e-mail and accept the invitation sent to you by the program via e-mail.
Confirm once again that you are not a robot, and with this you have registered an account and you can start using the program.
